Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ministry Tensions by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro

Ministry Tensions

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro,

from a staff meeting in 2008

  • There’s a saying “What you do is not the same as who you are.”
  • This may apply to all except possibly pastors & shepherds.
  • As a pastor & shepherd, who you are IS what you do and what you do IS who you are.
  • There are a lot of similarities with CEO’s and pastors, but when it comes to a “calling” they differ.
  • A salesperson won’t talk business after 5:00 pm. A shepherd or minister is like a “Country Doctor.”
  • A minister is called by God to shepherd. It’s a 24/7 job. You can’t clock out.
  • If God calls you to be a shepherd, you can’t escape His calling.
  • You are first and foremost a shepherd ~ a staff member that God has given a gift to (gift of administration, working with you, accounting, etc.) to serve in, but you will always first be a shepherd.
  • The easiest thing in the world to do is to be yourself.
  • The sooner you are comfortable with who you are, the happier you will be.
  • Shepherding is who you are.
  • If you say “I punch out at 5:00 pm” it may diminish your passion. You may permanently lose the part of your heart that you need to be in order to be fruitful and compassionate in ministry.
  • There will be times of still waters & greener pastures.

How to resolve to make sure you’re finding still waters & greener pastures and not burning out:

  • Find respite in the tension of ministry.
    • Learn to reproduce yourself in others ~ build teams. Change your mentality.
  • Solitude ~ not isolation.
    • Solitude is a choice. Isolation is the consequences of violating solitude.
  • Godly planning. Take time to plan.
  • Physical health.
  • Family health.
  • Learn to graciously say “No” when needing to.
    • If you a young leader and say “no” too quickly in the beginning, you may think your plate is small because you don’t want to be stretched. In reality, God thinks your plate is bigger.
    • Learn to say “Yes” more than “No.” You won’t learn where the edge of your plate is without pain.
    • Pain causes you to find the edge of your plate
    • If you have to say no, a good way to say it is “I’d love to but can’t, but let me help you find someone who can.”
  • Commit to learning. The Bible says people perish due to lack of knowledge.
  • Have the presence of God in your life.
  • Hang around inspiring people.
  • Have a Heart-Check
    • Listen to “pain” inside of you.
    • Broken relationships have broken communication, which then leads to wrong assumptions.
    • You are responsible to make sure your relationships are clean so you don’t send broken signals.
    • Keep relationships strong ~ over-communicate.
    • If you sense a relationship breaking down, find a reason to email or talk to the person.
  • In ministry there will be tension.
  • You are the people the enemy will focus on to destroy.
  • You’re going to get nailed.
  • The way the enemy will get at you will be to use others.
  • He knows how to take people out.

Your calling is something that the Lord has asked you to do. You can’t escape it. Think correctly ~ it will help you immensely!

Monday, August 1, 2011

LEAD Midweek - Schedule August-October

We begin the Irresistible Church Series: Every Wednesday!

Aug. 17: Rod Shimabukuro and Frieda Takaki; Hunger for God’s Presence; A Prayer and Healing Service

Aug. 24: Alex Michel; Remembers Who She Is

Aug. 31: Sam Kapu; Lives Heart First

Sept. 7: Marcus Sanders; Practices Gratefulness

Sept. 14: Rod Shimabukuro [Men's Panel]; Promotes Healthy Relationships

Sept. 21: John Tilton; Is Always Learning

Sept. 28: Rod Shimabukuro & Shon Kihewa; Promotes Spiritual Self Feeding

Oct. 5: Elwin Ahu; Connects Everything to a Soul

Oct. 12: Richard Waialeale; Chooses to Love

Oct. 19: Rod Shimabukuro; Takes risks

Oct 26: Susie Lam; Humbles Itself

Nov. 2: Kyle Lum; Has a Plan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leaders and Volunteers Midweek Service

Calling all leaders and volunteers. Pastor Rod Shimabukuro and Dr. Randy Fukushima along with the LEADMidweek Team have invited Dr. Paul Louis Metzer to speak on August 10, 2011. Dr. Metzger is the Founder and Director of The Institute for Theology of Culture: New Wine, New Wineskin. He will be speaking on, "Ways to be like Jesus in our Culture".

Our culture in Hawaii is very diversed and, if God's been tugging on your heart to reach a friend, co-worker and family member(s) for Christ, then this is a night you don't want to miss. Invite your leaders and volunteers to come.

We'll also have a time of fellowship and pupus before the service.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Counseling Couples

I've had the intense privilege of helping to coach a few couples this past week. Among many thoughts and Scriptural principles talked about, spiritual warfare is a prominent factor.

While couples, people are subject to the spirits and schemes of the enemy, we must ALL be accountable for our sins and sinful behavior. Leading people to repent of their sins first and then renouncing the work of evil they've allowed is critical. There is a spiritual attack on our marriages because it is called a covenant - a covenant of promise that reflects the covenant we have as children of God, through Jesus!

2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Passing the Trust Test

I couldn't pass this Maxwell lesson up! Relationships will deepen in a Christ-like manner as we live out these values!

Among leaders who lack insight, abuse abounds, but for one who hates corruption, the future is bright. Proverbs 28:16 (The Message)

People today are desperate for leaders, but they want to be influenced by someone they can trust, a person of good character. If you want to become someone who can positively influence other people:

1. Model consistency of character. Solid trust can only develop when people can trust you all the time

2. Employ honest communication. To be trustworthy, you have to be like a good musical composition: your words and music must match.

3. Value transparency. If you're honest with people and admit your weaknesses, they appreciate your honesty. And they are able to relate to you better.

4. Exemplify humility. People won't trust you if they see that you are driven by ego, jealousy, or the belief that you are better than they are.

5. Demonstrate your support of others. Nothing develops or displays your character better than your desire to put others first.

6. Fulfill your promises. One of the fastest ways to break trust with others is in failing to fulfill your commitments.

Becoming a Person of Influence

John Maxwell

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lessons of Leadership

An excerpt from Professor Ben Shin, Talbot School of Theology: Lessons of Leadership

So how do you actually “pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching”?
I would recommend four basic practices that have been helpful for my own busy life with ministry.

First, I would carve out some personal time to reflect, think, and just examine my heart. This is just a discipline of silence and solitude that will allow opportunities to reflect and examine one’s heart.

Second, I would dialogue with honest and close people in my life and ask them to evaluate me. I would then compare my perception of myself with what they say. My spouse knows me the best and can certainly give an honest assessment of how I am doing. It would be important to listen to her input!

Next, I would be in the process of journaling and recording my thoughts over a period of a year. Then, I would read over my journal logs to see if I have progressed or regressed. This would potentially tell me if I was doing well or if I’m cynical. Checking to see if the journal logs are any indication of my heart and seeing if they offer any clues to the condition of my soul.

Finally, I would spend extended times in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to expose any shortcomings or undeveloped parts of my character that needs growth. This is not an easy process to do but definitely a necessary one if a pastor or leader is to have success not only in the eyes of the church but more importantly in view of God’s high calling and standards.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Good Eye - Bad Eye

You will enjoy this post by Dr. Gary Manning, who taught at Pacific Rim Christian College, now an Associate Professor of the New Testament at Talbot School of Theology.

More Great Biblical Instruction at:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Are people drawn to you?

I love our Evangelism Team!

Humility of a Child. Heart of a Shepherd.


Matthew 18:15 “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.


Who’s the greatest in the Kingdom?

...will he not leave the 99 - and look for the one who wandered off?

The greatest in the Kingdom may not be found behind the pulpit, riding in a limousine chauffeured to the Fortune Five Hundred award gala or influencing their community or city in civil or moral leadership.

The greatest in God’s Kingdom will be found following Matthews account of Jesus’ instruction in chapter 18. The disciple, whether leader in the community or church, volunteer, housewife, child, elder, business entrepreneur or pastor - will study the instruction of Jesus to human-kind on the relevant, Kingdom of heaven pursuit of greatness and relationships in life.

Becoming the greatest in the Kingdom, will require humility, boldness and courage. The fight to overcome pride, anger, resentment and unforgiveness. How? Showing others their fault or sin. I don’t’ mean this to say that we should be ”fault-finders“ or the contrast, ”overly sensitive, insecure“ Christians who get hurt easily by others, only to find themselves blame shifting on those who hurt or sin against them. But we must hear and heed the Lord through Matt. 18’s instructions.

And...before we can even answer this question: ”Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me?“, I think we should pay attention and obey Matt. 18:15.


I find myself as a spiritual leader, with fair regularity, guiding people to follow Matt. 18:15. People come to me to ”ground offense or hurt“ confessing their anger, bitterness, unforgiveness to me about someone who offended or sinned against them. I don’t’ mind counseling people towards Biblical resolution, but when people have a passive attitude towards obeying Jesus’ guidelines in Matthew 18, I get weary.

I want to live differently today, being affirmed by His Spirit... ”Rod, you are my spokesperson, doing My will as a pastor.“ To live differently is to receive this encouragement from God, not grow weary in doing well to fulfill Jesus instruction, equipping others to walk by Matthew 18.


I confess Jesus, I get tired of weak, passive, ignorant and hard hearted people who want to vent, but are calloused to ”suck up their FEELINGS and hurts.“ I just want to say ”lick your wounds“ and get over it! BUT WOE am I!! If You or others treated me this way when I am hurt, I would be doomed! Forgive me, strengthen me, fill me with Your love, once You, people. May I be a follower and example of Your character and life - to others around me...especially my family!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We are Shepherd Leaders

A Scripture that has been close to my heart, describing Jesus as the Great Shepherd, who He is and what He's done is a benediction located in Hebrews 13.

Heb. 13:20 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

It is this Jesus, that we as shepherd leaders must teach our servants about. We must not stop at equipping the arts in our ministries, but the hearts in our ministries! As shepherds, we equip, guide, encourage, correct and pastor the hearts of our volunteers. As leaders, we teach the arts, coaching and training our volunteers to be the best they can be for Jesus, as we value the spirit of excellence in all we do.

Let's provide God's Spirit of excellence in training hearts for Christ, while we grow in presenting the arts of Christ to reach non Christians!

Leaders, be men and women who read, study, meditate on, soak in His Word. His Word is our life and will be our guide throughout life. Without His Word in us, His life through us is not well exemplified.

May our C.A.R.S. be tuned to live well for Jesus!

The All Inclusive Call

In our Evangelism ministry, our mission is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way that turns non Christians into converts. To creatively present the Gospel through the arts to redeem hearts for Christ.

As leaders and people of the arts, we need to be very careful that the art does not overshadow the Gospel. We can subtly compromise the message of the Gospel, packaging services with creative flair, color and excellence. The compromise sneaks in when we place more focus and attention on the craft and our craftsmanship, rather than on Jesus.

Another mild, but scary possibility is that our Evangelism teams, present the Gospel to see hands raised, saying "Yes to Jesus", becoming converts, BUT we lose sight of the true goal of our service. That is to make disciples. We are not called to make converts for Christ, but disciples for Christ. Again, it is far too easy to slip into a mindset in our ministries that our job is done when people raise their hands to receive Christ. That is part of our missions goal (by God's grace and power) but we must have the Biblical conviction that we are called to make disciples, not just converts.

I'm asking our leaders and servants of Evangelism to deepen their conviction and raise the bar of their service. Our goal should be Christ-like lives, Christ centered relationships, Christ honoring presentations and services to make Christ called disciples!

May the goal of our service not be merely to serve the church, give back to the church or God, reach the community, present the Gospel - ALL IS noteworthy. But may we submit to the higher calling of making disciples! This calling is All Inclusive of presenting the Gospel of Jesus!

Matt. 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Monday, February 28, 2011

On Growing Faith

[51] And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, [52] for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened. (Mark 6:51-52)


Think about it. The disciples worldview, religious Jewish beliefs and convictions of the Messiah were being bombarded by Jesus’ identity and works. Experiencing the miraculous, hearing the profound claims and teachings of Jesus shook the disciples traditions and beliefs of God. They were actually living side by side with God? That’s right!

While being astounded and growing in understanding, their hearts are noted here in Mark as hardened. But they weren’t opposed or hostile as many who came into contact with Jesus teachings and miracles like the feeding of 5,000 or calming storms, walking on water. The disciples were simply growing in understanding and faith through each experience.


I know that my relationship is an on going and on-growing one in Christ. While I’ve experienced Jesus’ teachings, revelations of truth, miracles through prayer and seeing lives transformed etc... it’s amazing how dull, calloused and hardened I could be.

Today I’m encouraged, not condemned. My faith is growing - I have an on-growing faith in Jesus, one day, one experience, one revelation, one step at a time. Sometimes I doubt, I get tired, discouraged in life - but my faith is in Jesus, not circumstances. And while I may question God about circumstances, I am committed to an on-growing faith and trust in Him!


Onward Christian soldier, I’m marching, fighting, serving in the battle of life. And my battle is so “very small and insignificant.” Compared to many other harsh, critical, life endangering situations, I am blessed. I have nothing to complain about. I am committed to grow on in my on-growing faith and trust in You Lord!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Remember...New Hope Totems?

Totems of New Hope applied in my life:

1. Doing Church As a Team – Need we say more. There’s a great book out that speaks on this topic J!

Rod - Serve the “shy, lonely, weak, proud, rebellious, needy, etc.” be a servant on your team, at your work, in your family, with Jesus compassion

2. Heart first – Don’t let technique, talent, skill or the art of a task overtake the “heart” behind the task.

The thing that I least like doing, may I do with all my heart unto the Lord. The kinds of people and personalities that irritate me...repent of my self centeredness and put on Jesus kindness and love. Guard my thoughts and heart against negative thoughts and attitudes.

3. Undying devotion to God & His Word – Being mentored by the Holy Spirit through the men & women God wrote of in His Word – through their life experiences – failures, weaknesses, strengths & victories. your devotions at least once per week with Beckie, the kids, a friend or accountability partner. Go the extra step to live out what God has spoken to you through accountability.

4. Gracious in all our dealings – Let kindness and joy be qualities we exemplify and emmanuelize. Don’t allow the enemy to pick pocket our joy, love and grace.

Who am I short fused with? Why? Who am I holding grudges against or being “cold” to? Be gracious and compassionate heart, thought, attitude, countenance, body language and words. Am I smiling when troubled? Am I positive in negative situations?

5. The Harvest – connect Everything to a soul. You may not need to change your activity – but philosophy, the way leaders & people think

Do I have non Christian friends I am being a witness to? Share Jesus with your gym friends. Am I home enough to serve my neighbors?

6. Invest in and build up Emerging LeadersUse tasks to complete people – not people to complete tasks.

Am I building fractals, making room for more people to be involved and investing in training others to do what I do?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Love for "Just 1"

"What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?" (Luke 15:4)
Non believers, sinners of all sorts were among the crowds that had gathered to hear Jesus. Religious leaders and His disciples were among the diverse group. I would imagine that varied heart conditions who were a part of the crowds were: curious, calloused, rebellious, inquiring, teachable and needy.

What a profound illustration Jesus gives, that contradicts man made leadership. A Shepherd who would go after 1 wounded, lost, needy sheep and leave the group of 99 who still looks to you, admires you, needs you?

WHAT? Love for one person when you have so much to do for and with the 99? The vision is large, the mission overwhelmingly important. the work, the planning, the recruiting, the outreaches, the prayer meetings and conferences.... The work is far to great and valuable to literally go after one person?
You, my Great Shepherd would leave 99 because you have love for the one? C'mon.... that's 1% - of 99% who need, value and love You! But Lord... we've got work to do! How can we afford time for just 1?

OH GOD! You are ripping my soul apart for the one! I'd rather be with the 99, than go after the 1... sometimes. Well, my heart is to go after the 1, but I'm so tired and have enough energy to lead and love the 99. I can hardly type any more!!! I'm done - I gotta go.... go repent, get on my knees and sort my heart with You out!!!
Have mercy on me Lord - Have MERCY on ME! And you said... "You are my "one" Rod - I went after you!" OH GOD - I REPENT for my cold, calloused love for the 1%!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

From John

Talent is Not Enough

When a leader listens to malicious gossip, all the workers get infected with evil.
Proverbs 29:12 (The Message)

Author Denis Waitley says, "The winner's edge is not in a gifted birth, in a high IQ, or in talent. The winner's edge is in the attitude, not aptitude." Unfortunately, many people resist that notion. They want to believe that talent alone (or talent with experience) is enough. But plenty of talented teams never amount to anything because of the attitudes of their players.

Take a look at how various attitudes impact a team made up of highly talented players:

  • Abilities + Attitudes = Result
  • Great Talent + Rotten Attitudes = Bad Team
  • Great Talent + Bad Attitudes = Average Team
  • Great Talent + Average Attitudes = Good Team
  • Great Talent + Good Attitudes = Great Team

If you want great results, you need good people with great talent and awesome attitudes.

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

Monday, January 10, 2011

Evangelism Ministry 2011

This year, help me own our vision, not only to present the Gospel in creative and excellent ways to reach and touch hearts for Jesus – but to be transformed into His image.
OUR EVANGELISM THEME: Transformation in 20-eleven

We will accomplish this by “Building Back to Basics in Christ-likeness” emphasizing Christ-like C.A.R.S.
  • Christ-like Character
  • Christ-like Attitudes
  • Christ-like Relationships
  • Christ-like Service
More communication, encouragement, challenges, classes to come!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Heads You Win, Tails You Win

I love this from my John Maxwell Leadership Bible

So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands. Psalm 78:72

David's leadership succeeded through a two-sided coin: his hands and his heart, or outward skill and inward integrity. Every great spiritual leader must have this combination. David's excellent leadership combined both heart and art. To have one without the other leads to failure. Consider the following list of eleven keys to excellence, aimed at helping us to develop our leadership skills today. Leaders must:

1.Value excellence
2.Not settle for average
3.Pay attention to detail
4.Remain committed to what really matters
5.Display integrity and sound ethics
6.Show genuine respect for others
7.Go the second mile
8.Demonstrate consistency
.Never stop improving
10.Always give 100%
11.Make excellence a lifestyle

From Rod:

And please don't forget - David shepherded them. Put on the heart of our Great Shepherd Jesus as we make disciples of all nations!