Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hello Evangelism leaders,

Thank you again for contributing to a tremendous weekend and the Stan Sheriff – and for your hearts ownership to reach non Christians, making disciples of all nations!

A theme characteristic of Christ I wanted to encourage you all in is – Humility.
In talking to Jadon Lavik and a visiting leader from Japan who is involved with Frontlines, I was steeply reminded of Jesus them, and our servants. From different ends of the world, God used these 2 servants to remind to say “Thank you” for your humility – as they both referred to your humble service.

Thank you for dressing modestly and appropriately...with humility!
Col. 3:12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Living out the Gospel alongside of you,

Monday, May 10, 2010

R & R ... a satisfying life!

We need a lot of R & R. R&R will make living enjoyable but it starts with us. It starts with a decision - an on going daily decision... to Reverence God and Respect People!

I was thinking about how satisfying it can be to live with a deep love and honor for God. To be in relationship with Jesus knowing that He loves me NO MATTER WHAT!! My response is to love and thank Him, for His unconditional love and grace -then to live with a reverence for Him.

There’s another rewarding part of life and that is to live with respect for people - all kinds, from all walks of life, no matter what they look, act, talk or are like! Respect will start with me and a decision to love and respect with “no strings attached!” Living without expectations - as if I am “dead to myself and alive to God” is the way to live a very satisfying life.

Reverence God & Respect People. Today - this week - I encourage US ALL, to get some R & R!

Could it be that the Lord would say to you ...surrender to Me, not by your might, strength or even desire - but submit to loving and honoring ME ...says the Lord ...and I will fill you with My love and strength!

p.s. - here's one that convicts me ---

Prov. 19:11 Sensible people control their temper; they earn respect by overlooking wrongs.

Let's B3 in C1 - build back to basics in Christlike-ness!